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Python Tutorial

Python Introduction

In this article, we will learn about Python Introduction as well as we will some important points of Python. In the previous tutorial, we have seen a brief description of Python programming and mentioned all the topics of Python.

If you want to learn any particular topic of Python then we can go through the previous Python tutorial.

What is Python ?

Python is a general programming language it follows concepts of object-oriented programming ( OOPs ). Python programming language is an Object-Oriented Programming language as well as it is a case sensitive language.
Python is created by Guido Van Rossum in 1991.

Programming is mainly used for rapid and complex software applications. Python is a dynamic-types programming language that means it can type checking at runtime.
Python has a large collection of the library that is used to build a complex application in an easy way.

Python is widely used for Artificial intelligence, Neural Networks, Machine learning, Data Science, and other advanced fields of the computer science field.

There are various large companies that used Python include Google, Youtube, Instagram, and NASA and so many more.
Python is an easy to learn programming language because python’s syntax is more easy compare to other programming languages.

Python is the most popular programming language nowadays because Python has a large collection of libraries that are used to build a complex application using python build any application like GUI ( Graphical User Interface ) Application, Web Application, Desktop Application, Mobile Application, Scientific computing application, Implement machine learning, Artificial intelligence, Game application, Web scrapping, Data analysis and many more applications developed by Python programming language.

Why Should Learn Python ?

Let’s understand some important point of Python programming.

  • Easy to learn
  • Easy syntax compares to another programming.
  • Python has a huge amount of library.
  • Python is used for multi-purpose.
  • Python has the best web frameworks which are used to develop rapid web applications like Django, Flask, Pyramid, and so on.
  • Python is most used in Machine Learning, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, etc.

Python Web Frameworks :

Python programming provides various web framework which is used to develop web application in less time. Web Frameworks is a collection of packages and modules which allow developers to write web applications.

Frameworks make developer’s life much easier with the help of frameworks developers build any application in less time and best.

Python web Frameworks make developer’s life much easier with the help of frameworks developers build any application in less time and best.

Python web frameworks are most powerful because with the help of web frameworks developers developed rapid and complex web applications.

There are some popular python web frameworks listed below which is build web applications.


Django is an open-source web Python web framework that provides a facility to build rapid and complex web applications. Django has many features include that make the developer’s life much easier.
Django has some popular features like URL Mapping, ORM ( Object Relation Mapper ) which is used to interact with databases from the application, Templating, Migrations, and so on.


Flask is a Python web framework that is used to builds web applications. With the help of Flask web frameworks, developers build solid web applications.
Flask is mainly used for micro web applications because the flask has not libraries and tools.

Some important features of the Flask web framework are.

  • HTTP request handling
  • WSGI Support.
  • Cookie support.
  • Rest Full request.
  • Jinja2 templating.


The pyramid is an open-source python web framework that provides a facility to develop large scale web applications. The pyramid is the ability to work well with both small and large web applications.


Web2py is an open-source python web framework that is used for large scalable web applications.Web2py is written in Python which is used for the rapid development of fast, secure, scalable, and database-driven applications.


Bottle is fast, simple and lightweight WSGI Python web framework which are used to develop micro web applications. Bottle is written in python programming.


CherryPy is the best Python web framework to develop small web applications. CherryPy web application framework supports the concept of object-oriented programming.


Tornado is a Python web framework which is used to develop micro web applications. Tornado web framework is written in python programming.


Dash is the best Python web framework because its best for data scientists. Dash web application framework is the most download and trusted web framework for building Machine Learning ( ML ) and Data Science web apps.


TurboGears is another best Python web framework which is used to build web applications. TurboGears is build using various lots of libraries and middleware.


Falcon is an open-source Python web framework that is used to build small or micro web applications. Falcon is a fast and minimalist Python web API framework for building web apps and microservices.

Python has a large collection of built-in modules and external modules which is used to make complex applications.

Python Built in Modules.

Here some popular python built-in modules listed.

  • OS Module
  • JSON Module
  • Platform Module
  • Data time Module
  • Sys Module
  • Urllib Module
  • String Module
  • Math Module
  • Random Module
  • HTML Module
  • HTTP Module

There are many more modules available if we want to check all available modules in python then you can type help(‘modules’) on the python console.

Python External Modules.

Python has a large collection of external modules that is install using the PIP tool.
Here some popular python external modules listed.

  • Request Module
  • Beautiful Soup Module
  • Selenium Module
  • NumPy Module
  • Pandas Module
  • SciPY Module
  • Matplotlib Module
  • Pillow Module
  • PyGame


So, In this tutorial, we have seen What is Python and some Python web frameworks. If you want to learn to program, then you can with this programming because Python is easier to learn programming language compared to other programming.
I hope you like this article, If you like this article please comment and share with your friends who want to become a Python programmer.

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